How Balanced Is Your Life?

Life sure can throw some tough things at us sometimes. We may not even recognize the signs that we are in fact, off balance. Well here's a start to do some introspection and see how balanced your life is now.

Click here to take the free quiz today!

What Is Your Dominant Emotion?

Our emotions as warning signs. They are a gift to show us what are some of the underlying challenges and struggles that have gone unaddressed. They provide us with an alarm that indicates our thoughts, mind, and even our bodies are trying to tell us something is wrong. If you ignore the warning it can potentially cause more harm.


Journal Your Way to Peace.

The “Story of My Life” is an introspective journaling tool that assists individuals with identifying both, healthy and unhealthy patterns in their behavior in hopes of restoring a positive sense of self. This journal seeks to guide the reader through their internal processes such as their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, like in therapy.